Savage Urges Read online

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  Amelia was in the bowels of the house and the sound of staggering footsteps could be heard, as though somebody was dragging themselves against the wall. She knew it wasn’t Tom for it was in the opposite direction. The flow of her tears was stemmed as her breath caught in her throat, frightened as tales of the monster ran through her mind. Could it have made its way to their house? Amelia was vulnerable and scared, frozen in place. The unsettling sound of haggard breathing came closer and closer and time seemed to stand still. Amelia knew that she had no way to escape, and part of her had a morbid curiosity to gaze upon the monster. Perhaps it would even be best if she sacrificed herself, at least then Tom would be able to live a happy life and she could be with Edward again, free from the pain of her misery. But as her inexorable destiny approached the most primal part of her soul ignited, the part that drove humanity to survival, the instinct that propelled the human race to the top of the food chain and she was determined not to die. The monster was close now, she could almost taste its breath in the air, and she grabbed the nearest weapon, clutching an iron bar in her hand, ready to face death standing, rather than on her knees.

  Shadows and silhouettes poured in through the window. Amelia peered through the cloak of darkness in the beyond where the beast lay, attempting to control her shuddering body. A groan echoed through the hallway, an unholy sound borne from the depths of hell. Amelia's knuckles were white as the beast approached, but when the figure emerged from the darkness the iron rod dropped to the floor with a loud clang. Amelia's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as her husband approached her, reaching out desperately with his hand. His body was lean and gaunt, and his mouth lolled open inhumanly, but it was the man she loved, there was no mistaking that. Amelia rushed up to him and gathered him in her arms.

  “Oh Edward,” she said, “How is it that you've come back to me?”

  Chapter 6

  Edward could barely speak and Amelia rocked him in his arms as she would a child. Tumultuous emotions ran through her mind. If anyone had told her that Edward was still alive she would never have believed them, but now he was in her arms and there was no denying that it was him. He had the same mop of hair, the old blue eyes, and the familiar scent, although it was buried beneath the smell of the earth. He mumbled and muttered unintelligible things but Amelia held him close to her, simply happy at the fact that he had come back. However, after a few moments of this she looked back at where she had come from and wondered how she would ever tell Tom, or if she even would. She managed to lift Edward up and carried him into a room, far away from where the sleeping chambers were. She pushed Edward down onto a bed and fetched him some clothes, water, and food, making sure to avoid any questions. When she returned, Edward was shivering. She quickly wrapped him up in a blanket and held the glass of water to his lips, which seemed to calm him. He settled into bed and closed his eyes. Amelia stayed by his side for a while, stroking and caressing him, afraid to leave because she feared that if she did so he would disappear again.

  But now she was thrust into a new state of confusion, caught between loyalty for the love of her life and duty to her current husband. When she returned to her bedchamber she ignored Tom, and he took this as a response to their earlier fight, but she was filled with guilty because as they lay next to each other she knew that he had no idea her ex-husband was under the same roof as him.

  She awoke the following morning far earlier than Tom, and prepared Edward some breakfast. When she went to his room he stirred at her presence, and when he awoke his face was filled with joy. He grasped her hand tightly and pressed it to his cheek.

  “Oh my love. I thought I would never see your face again,” he said, and kissed her hand desperately. Amelia was overwhelmed at the show of affection and to experience the sensations of her husband's touch once more was strange, for she had spent so much time trying to get used to the idea that she would never see him again. And while part of her urged her soul to throw herself at him and give in to the happiness she could not forget that she was married to another. But Edward was already looking much healthier than he had been the previous night and there were so many questions on Amelia's mind that it took a strong resistance not to let them all come tumbling out in a flood of words.

  “How is this possible Edward? I was told you were dead, buried under a collapse,” she asked.

  Edward inhaled deeply and then pushed himself up. He yawned and scratched the top of his chest. “It's a long story. I don't know how I survived really. Even I thought that I was dead. I couldn't see anything around me. It was all pitch black. I cried out for help but nobody was there, and it took a long time for me to free myself. I had to dislodge the rocks around me, always afraid that one wrong move would crush me. Then, when I finally managed to emerge on land I found myself utterly alone. I did not know if the people with me had left or been killed, but I looked out to the horizon and saw only the empty sea in all directions. I built a fire to keep warm, hoping that the light or the smoke would attract a passing ship but I knew it was a forlorn hope since it had taken me years to find my way to that island. All I could think about was coming back to you, so I scavenged around the island and found enough material to build a raft. It was not entirely seaworthy but it was the best I could do, and I prayed for the current to take me home.

  Eventually, after an arduous journey, I crashed into land, a land that I did not know. I did not speak the language and the locals were savages. I had to use my wits to survive and make my way through the dangerous terrain back to some kind of recognizable civilization. I managed to barter what little money I had left on me for a map and traveled through the country until I found myself in Europe. From there it was a matter of proving my family name, which was no easy task, until I made my way back to England and was able to make use of my family's reputation. From there I booked transport back to America, and back to you.”

  It was a marvelous story and Amelia was impressed and aroused by the lengths Edward had gone to in order to survive. She collapsed on his chest and sobbed through sheer relief that he was with her. His hand rested on her head and he played with her hair. It was all too familiar and the old feelings of their marriage came back strongly. But what she did not see was a certain look in his eyes. She was so glad to have him back and so eager to believe his story that Amelia did not see that he was holding something back from her, keeping a terrible secret.

  “And what of you my love, tell me of your life and the hardships you have endured.”

  “Edward, it's been horrible. To have the news of your death and no body to mourn...I blamed myself as well. I should have been more adamant in keeping you here. It was all my fault for letting you go.”

  “Calm yourself. I was entirely my fault for not listening to you in the first place. I shouldn't have gone searching the world for these treasures when I had the most precious one right beside me.” He cupped Amelia's chin in between his thumb and forefinger, and Amelia began to tremble. She gazed at him with liquid eyes and felt an irresistible pull towards him, and they soon found themselves sharing a passionate kiss, which was only broken by the overpowering guilty swelling through Amelia's body, making her gut twist with agony. She pulled away, and Edward looked puzzled.

  “What's wrong?”

  “I can't do this,” she replied, “it's not right.”

  “What's not right? I've traveled so far to be back here with you. What on earth could possess you to pull away from me?” he asked, grabbing her shoulders, looking at her intently but Amelia would not meet his gaze.

  “I took a new husband. I'm sorry Edward but I thought you were dead and I had to move on...I couldn't bear to be in this house alone and Tom was so kind and considerate that I couldn't refuse. I'm so, so sorry. I should have waited, should never have given up on you,” she said, on the verge of tears again. Edward pulled her close into him and reassured her.

  “I don't blame you at all. You thought I was dead. What else could I expect you to do? I am only glad that you have
been safe and happy during my absence. But we need to talk about this. I have nowhere else to be in the world Amelia, I belong with you. We are soul mates. Do you still believe that?” Amelia found herself nodding. “Good, then you must tell Tom that I am back. This is still my house. And you are still my wife.”

  Amelia knew that he was right but how could she tell such a thing? The two of them remained together for the morning, enjoying being with each other again, until Amelia had to pull herself away in order to see Tom. She walked through the long hallways until she found him in the study. When she walked in he rushed to her and gathered her in his arms, showering her with kisses and affection and apologies. Amelia pulled herself away and stepped back from him.

  “Amelia, I have apologized profusely for my behavior last night. I was shaken by seeing that monster. I know that was no excuse but there is no need to treat me so coldly.”

  “He's back,” Amelia said, blurting out the words because she knew there was no other way to soften the blow.


  “Edward. He came back last night. He came back to me.”

  “That's impossible.”

  “I found it hard to believe too, but he's here.”

  “In this house?” Tom said. Amelia nodded, finding it difficult to read the expression on his face. “Are you sure it is him?”

  “Tom, I was married to the man. Of course it's him.”

  “Well, he cannot stay here.”

  “What do you mean? This is his home?”

  “He was dead. He has no home anymore.”

  “He is in no position to move. He is too weak, has been through too much. He needs to rest.”

  “Then he can stay until he is well enough, then he can go and enjoy his new life. Do you know the scandal it would bring for him to be here?”

  “As if you have not courted enough scandal already,” Edward said, walking into the room. Tom and Amelia looked shocked to see him for they had not expected him. Tom bristled with tension and took an immediately aggressive stance. “I am here to claim my rightful place in my home, alongside my wife.” At this he slid his arm around Amelia's waist, and Amelia did not move. Tom's fists clenched by his side and it was clear that he did not take too kindly to Edward's return.

  “If it wasn't for the monster I would have no qualms about throwing you out into the wild. I am legally married to Amelia and you have no claim here,” he said.

  “Monster?” Edward asked. Amelia quickly told him about the strange happenings in the town and Edward pursed his lips. Tensions were high among the three of them but they agreed that Edward could stay in the house while they discussed a solution, for they all agreed that it was wise to not let the people in the town know that Edward had returned, for that would only lead to idle gossip and it was something that they all wanted to avoid. But from the very first moment it caused problems as it was clear that Amelia preferred time with Edward, and Edward was so smug about it that it riled up Tom to the point where he was apoplectic with rage. Even when Amelia returned to him, they ended up arguing and Tom did nothing to nurture her affections. After one particularly heated argument Tom was sitting in bed holding his head in his hands.

  “I'm going to lose you to him, aren't I?” he said despondently.

  “Think of it as freedom. Now you get to live your life the way you wanted it. You can be with someone younger, raise a family. You don't have to be tied to me,” Amelia said sympathetically.

  “Is that what you think of me? Is that how you think I treat this marriage? I love you Amelia, why have you always had difficulty in believing that? Perhaps it is simply because you have never loved me, not in the same way as you love Edward, anyway,” and Amelia had to concede that it was true.

  “I am sorry Tom. I never expected him to come back but it is as though I have been given a second chance, and I would be a fool not to take it,” she said. Tom knew there would be no arguing with her, and although bitterness weighed down his soul he understood why she made that decision, and all that was left was for him to return to town in the middle of a crisis, and try to forge a new life for himself. It was not easy though for he had become used to the luxuries of living in the mansion, and returning to the city, especially in the middle of the attacks by the monster, was not something he especially desired. In fact, the more he thought about it the more he became scared, until he eventually declared to Edward and Amelia that he would not leave unless he was given a sizable sum of money.

  Edward and Amelia were reluctant to agree to his terms because they felt in unfair, but nevertheless they wanted to get their old lives back on track as quickly as possible so they gave him his money and turned him away at night. But as he was leaving he felt a strange presence and found himself attacked by the creature. It came out of nowhere, and it was only by sheer luck that he was not killed with the first blow. Amelia heard the commotion and came out to see what was happening. Upon seeing the hulking werewolf she shrieked, and this momentarily distracted the creature, allowing Tom to escape to the city. But before he left he saw the terrible truth as, now that the sight of Amelia had calmed the creature, it changed to show the true form of Edward. Tom clenched his fists as he ran to town to gather a mob.

  “What is this?” Amelia asked.

  “I'm sorry,” Edward said, and he explained to her that the treasure he had found had changed him, and that was how he had survived all this time. “I have killed and murdered so many people, for when I change I feel an insatiable hunger and I must lash out.”

  “But you did not do so when you saw me,” she said, and there was a pinprick of light for them. But then they realized that Tom had gone to town, and now that he knew the truth he would surely be back. They gathered up their belongings and as quickly as they could ran into the woods, just as they saw a train of wagons approaching the mansion.

  Chapter 7

  Amelia and Edward were far into the woods now, away from their home and the wild crowd. With heaving chests they leaned against a tree.

  “I'm sorry for pulling you away from that. I never should have come back,” Edward said.

  “My place is with you. It always has been and it always will be. I have felt so lost ever since you were declared dead. It was as though a part of myself was killed as well, but now that you're back I feel whole again.”

  “I have done terrible things.”

  “I do not care. You love me, and I love you, and that's all that matters,” she said, and kissed him passionately. The rough bark of the tree dug into her skin as he gave into a year of yearning desire and tore off her clothes. Their passion was unrestrained and it felt freeing to be with Edward again. Edward, who knew her sweetest secret spots and how to arouse her more than anything else in the world. His kisses were filled with love and the attraction between them was intoxicating. Every kiss was like poison and the blood that boiled through their veins was like the darkest wine. The lust and love mingled together, creating a heat that was overwhelming and as they fell to the earthy floor they were transported to a new world of heady delight. Everything came back to them so easily, the way their bodies responded to each other, how they shivered and shuddered and moaned and smiled, how their bodies arched as they let the love swim over them.

  Edward had a monster inside of him but Amelia couldn't have gone another day without him, especially not now that she knew he was alive. There was nothing that could have stopped her from being with him and now that she was tasting him again and feeling his body next to hers she felt a monster inside of her as well, one that had been dormant for too long. Only a shadow of it had appeared over the last year in her and Tom's frenzied sessions, but they were lacking a vital ingredient, true love. As their hands linked together their muscles tensed and Amelia was lost to a world of delight. Being with her husband again after so long reminded her how good and vibrant life could be, and as they rolled around in the dirt she felt reborn and revitalized. They kissed fervently and their hands were all over each other. She used her
mouth to pleasure every inch of him, looking up at him with her wide eyes as she sucked on him hungrily, before he pulled her up and began to pleasure her as well. They took delight in reacquainting themselves with each other’s bodies. His had a few more scars, but her skin was still soft and his burning hardness pressed against it. Amelia straddled him and leaned forward, allowing her hair to fall from her head and cover him. His hands clamped themselves around her rear as they began to thrust together, finding a harmonious rhythm. Her hips burned and her inner thighs were slick with her juices. Edward strained and his entire body was tense with the effort that he put in to fucking her. Sweat poured along their skin and fell like rain to the ground as they were caught in the inferno, and the air sizzled with their passionate heat as they exploded in an orgasm that had been a year in the waiting.

  They laughed as they fell into each other and kissed each other hungrily, knowing that a lifetime of devouring each other’s bodies awaited them. In the distance there was an orange glow, and as they looked closer they could see that it was their house being set on fire. They could imagine everyone reveling in the destruction.